Where Do We Experience Ourselves As One Humanity?

Where Do We Experience Ourselves As One Humanity?

July 11, 2021 #Events 0


We live in a time of extreme polarization and our societal cohesion and alignment – the main success factor to get anything done as humans – is crumbling.

What are the places where we experience us as one humanity, regardless of our opinions, believes, political positions or inclinations?

For me, one of the most uniting experiences with people from all walks of life in the last years have been festivals of all kinds – from a 20.000 people crowds being animated in unison by the powerful bass blasting from a massive sound system to workshop spaces where within minutes moments of deep connection and intimacy where created.

For more than a year, we have been living in a pattern which Charles Eisenstein writes about in his latest article as „the antifestival“ – a term coined by René Girard: „an extreme austerity and an increased rigor in the observance of all interdicts“

He sums it up for us with reference to our times:
„The more locked down, policed, and regulated a society, the less tolerance there is for anything outside its order.“

The dominating strategy of this pattern is easy to identify – control:
„By “controlled” I do not here refer to censorship, but rather to the physical experience of being seated watching depictions of the real, absent any tactile or kinetic dimension.“

It is with deep gratitude and appreciation that with the gentle force of the elements and the initiators Joshua and his team I’ve been invited to co-create this special festival.

It will be an embodied and sensual celebration of what it means to be human in this time and I’m excited for the unknown and mystery that is inviting us to play.

I’ll be hosting a workshop on „Passion to Purpose to Action – How to discover your Sweet Spot and act on it“.
I’d be thrilled to indulge in this week with you and curious about your part and co-creation in this dance!

Dance of Life Festival – 11.-15.08.2021

You can get your tickets here: