“Jonathan is a master craftsman when it comes to creating and offering safe spaces to explore personal and collective leadership.”
– Vishal Jodhani, Associate Partner Bain & Company
“I’ve invested all my life to embrace my weaknesses, rather than to overcome them.
I’ve built award–winning businesses, coached high performers, co-created life–changing events, lived in incredible places – and I stumble on the path with humbling consistency.
I’ve come to understand that it’s not about the results I achieve, but the love I give into the process and receive from walking the path.
I’ve coached artists, university professors, CEOs, millionaires, therapists and high level coaches,
published authors, serial entrepreneurs, investors and corporate leaders.
I see my clients with complete acceptance and unconditional
love, while focussing relentlessly on their highest potential.
I support them to transform their darkest shadows into the greatest resources to realize their visions.
I know that we’re on the verge of something magnificent,
and I’m looking for allies who are ready to create a new story for humanity.”
Soul Awakened Leadership Circle
A curated Group Coaching for Leaders of Leaders
Soul Awakened Leaders are pioneers in their fields who lead others to become leaders themselves.
But it can be lonely on the edge, and often they sense that they are ahead of their times.
This is why we need each other. We all bring a unique piece of the puzzle, and we are all needed to step up in our full expression and authenticity.
Like imaginal cells in the cocoon of the butterfly, we can form protective clusters where we mirror each other our greatness and align with a shared vision. Together, we remember who we are and why we are here.
This is what the Soul Awakened Leadership Circle is all about.
Join the Circle now! ➡There is a massive Shift happening on the Planet
Soul Awakened Leaders don’t create Followers
They become Leaders of Leaders
They surrender to the guidance of the divine
towards a new paradigm of interconnectedness
and cocreation in service to all of life.
Soul Awakened Leadership embodies a new and ancient path that will replace the extractive, cancerous late-stage capitalistic system and move us beyond separation and competition.
This is what I’m in service to.
My Vision & Mission
Sign up now!
Free Worksheet
Guided Self-Coaching Practice (Free Download)Soul Awakened Leadership – Annual Re/Vision
This worksheet supports you to realize where you are at this point of your journey. Through reflecting your past and envisioning where you want to be, you can deepen your knowing about where you are right now and move into the future with clarity and confidence.
Guided by powerful questions, you’ll discover the red thread of your path, find inspiration to dream big and receive instructions to craft a vision board for the most important areas of your life.
By signing up below you will receive your worksheet instantly to your mailbox for free!
Already subscribed? Send me a message and I’ll forward you the link to the worksheet directly!
Upcoming Events
Let’s meet each other!
There are no upcoming events at this time
Projects & Offerings
“Lasting change happens when people see for themselves that a different way of life is more fulfilling than their present one.” – Eknath Easwaran

Soul Awakening Online Course
Authenticity, Leadership & Purpose in a Time of Metamorphosis
A profound 12-week transformative Journey for Individuals who sense a profound shift in the world and within themselves to navigate the complexities of finding your unique place and contribution.
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Soul Awakened Leadership Circle
A curated Group Coaching for Leaders of Leaders
It can be lonely on the edge, and often Leaders sense that they are ahead of their times.
This is your weekly support structure in a time of unprecedented potential and uncertainty.
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Personal 1:1 Coaching Retreats in Costa Rica
Tailored to your Intention and Needs
A once-in-a-lifetime Customized Leadership Journey
Deepen your Leadership Journey, Expand your Vision, Experience Costa Rica
An exclusive 2 to 7 days holistic coaching and wellbeing program.
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Re-Source Investors
Realigning Capital & Soul
We feel the call to realign capital and soul – and combine resources towards regeneration and interconnectedness to amplify global impact in service to all of life.
As a first highlight, we invite a curated group of people to an in-person retreat in a lush nature environment.
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CLARITY Online Course
It is time to move towards a life you don’t need a vacation from!
This course supports you to reconnect with your passion, identify your zone of genius and define your purpose for being on this planet at this time.
Based on this clarity, you can consciously create the life that you don’t need a vacation from.
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DJ Jonathan Seagull
As a sound shaman I weave melodic sound carpets for eclectic gatherings.
From classical, grounding, calming frequencies over trip hop and chillout smooth vibrations to pulsating, animating, dynamic beats – a journey through the ebbs and flows of the human experience.
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Free Annual Re/Vision Worksheet
From my own experience, I know how powerful coaching is. But it doesn’t always require a multiple-figure investment to start with! Even a guided self-coaching practice can have amazing impact,[…] Read more

New Podcast Episode: The Second Renaissance with Sylvie Barbier
Art as a Catalyst for a Second Renaissance 🎭 🎧 New Episode of the Soul Awakened Leadership Podcast With Sylvie Barbier from Life Itself! Back in 2009 I was co-creating the Renaissance2[…] Read more

My iPhone got stolen in Panama!
… and why I’m grateful for the opportunity this presented me with! In this video, I share about how I got robbed on a beach. But instead of contracting and[…] Read more
What Others Say
Truly, what I see in the People I work with is not Clients – I’m looking at Allies on the Path!
What strikes me is the combination of Jonathan’s unconditional love and his intellectual wizardry. If you want to work with somebody who walks the talk, who can be human at the same time and offer you a brilliant shift in perspective while gently inviting you to take steps towards your vision, consider yourself lucky to have this opportunity.

Buster Rådvik, MA
Founder: Path of Relating, Psychotherapist, Facilitator & Coach
“Jonathan helped me to see and neutralize many unconscious believes which limit myself in my professional life. I was impressed by his ability to give words to my thoughts and systematically show me my strengths as resources for the future. The coaching deeply touched and carried me long afterwards.”

Katja Brunner
“Jonathan is a master craftsman when it comes to creating and offering safe spaces to explore personal and collective leadership. Every experience has had clarity of intention, a curated community and acceptance to show up fully and own our authenticity. I’ve never felt so safe, so present, so truly seen and heard. So vulnerable and so powerful, all at the same time.”

Vishal Jodhani
Innovation Expert
“Jonathan opened my path of deep transformation and is a constant source of authentic leadership. I am very grateful for having the chance to do coaching with him.“

Antje König
Corporate Communications Manager
“Coaching with Jonathan transformed diffuse shadows into concrete challenges that I was able to face. Alltogether he untied a knot at an important fork on the road towards my self-employment.”

Christopher Batke
Facilitator, Author, Speaker
“Coaching with Jonathan was very good and also profound for me, very different than most other coachings I experienced before. Liberating, clarifying, very helpful!”

Prof. Dr. Margarete Boos
University Professor
Let’s cocreate!
I look forward to hearing from you!