Replay: Beyond the Event Horizon
Soul-Awakened Leadership in-between Worlds
This is not an inspirational talk, we’re opening a field of transformation. It will be inspiring, but that is not the purpose.
This workshop was presented at the Singularity Rally 2024 on June 21st (more here:
As we’re approaching the so(u)lstice, we’re directing our awareness towards the in-between – not just the in-between of the seasons of light and dark, but the crack of the in-between narratives and the yet invisible beyond where the light already shines through.
What are the capacities of Soul Awakened Leaders that guide us courageously away from the certainty of the old into the unknown, and who offer their lives as embodied permission slips for others to lead their lives from a place of interconnectedness and deep love in service for all of life?
Watch the replay of this practical inquiry of what it means to be a leader who doesn’t create followers, but other leaders moved by their activated soul-fire: