What is a Transformational Festival Retreat?
For the last weeks we have been deeply immersed in creating the Pura Vida Festival in Costa Rica taking place from 04.-06.02.2022. But it is more than just a joyful gathering of beautiful people in an amazing location. We’ve been putting a lot of thought and intention in creating a program that brings a depth which is often times missing in festivals and even spiritual gatherings.
So why don’t we just offer some yoga, have some live music and a random workshop here and there? Why put in the effort to create an arch from self to relationships to the world and align it with the narrative of the heroes journey?
We’ve deliberately given a lot of attention to the participants experience and what they will go through on that weekend. We want to guide and orient them in a way that they not only experience the pleasure of meeting likeminded souls and be nourished in a sensual way through heart-warming music, liberating dance, authentic connection and healthy food.
Beyond that we also want them to experience the fulfillment and depth of going through a personal transformation journey where at the end of the weekend they experience in some way that who they are after the festival is someone different than who they were when they started it.
There are two main shifts happening that I perceive in the collective narrative of humanity and the first pioneering souls can sense it already. First, we are shifting from an individualized mindset to a mindset of interbeing. We more and more recognize our interconnectedness and that I am because you are. And secondly related to that we shift from a mindset of survival and scarcity to a mindset of thriving and abundance.
These aspects are the main reasons why we chose the heroes journey as a guiding narrative for our group process. When we let go of the dominating power of the survival narrative we get to choose our own adventures and can choose where we want to invest our energy creatively instead of being forced by life to fight against the opposed limitations. And the hero’s journey ends with coming back to the market place with full hands – to give back to the global village. We recognize our collective responsibility and that ultimately I can only experience the true depth of fulfillment and happiness once every being is happy, because we are so deeply interconnected.
We are excited to open the festival gates in less than a week for you and go on this hero’s journey towards a future that works for all, that is based on interconnectedness, thriving and abundance.
With love and gratitude
PS: You can still buy your ticket for the festival here: https://www.puravida-festival.com/festival-retreat-2022-costa-rica