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Free Group Coaching: Soul Alignment – Leadership in Service to Life

07 March 2024 9:00 am - 10:30 am

This is your portal into deeper resonance with your soul’s calling.
It’s time to remember why you truly came here!

If you sense that life is asking you to take your creation to the next level, this session is for you!
In this powerful container, I will share a specific pointer and coach one or two live in front of the group.


Soul Alignment means to align ourselves with that which has always been with us. We’re connecting to a deep knowing of our essence and peel back the layers of conditioning that keep us trapped in patterns that no longer serve us.

It’s not about doing more, it’s rather about releasing the effort that’s keeping us to be with that which is present anyway.

We’re here to remember, and if one of us remembers and is witnessed in that by others, it not only strengthens their remembering, but also helps us all to remember. It also creates a potentiality that ripples out beyond us into the quantum field and creates an anchor and access point of remembrance for all beings.


📆 every other Thursday, 9am CT / 16pm CET – 90 minutes

📞 You will receive the zoom link after free RSVP

To join the calls, simply RSVP at the top of the page 🔝

Welcome to the mystery!

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March 7, 2024
9:00 am - 10:30 am CST

