Beyond the Event Horizon – Soul Awakened Leadership in-between Worlds
Welcome to a radically new kind of political rally! 🥳
📆 Fri 21 Jun 2024 12:00 – Sat 22
Jun 2024 CEST – Online
A rally sourced in unity, purpose, prayer, and dance.
One where we start with a celebration of Life – the one Life in the core of beings, all kingdoms of nature, and the Earth.
Where we start with the one humanity, made up of all diverse nations, cultures, and backgrounds.
And where instead of having polarised political leaders stir up polarisation in a group of people as part of our fragmented politics of group against group, we activate our bodies, hearts, and souls, through purpose meditations, prayer, ritual, and through moving our bodies to deep bass beats, to amplify that Life.
I’m personally excited to be part of this and sharing an experience on Soul Awakened Leadership:
As we’re approaching the so(u)lstice, we’re directing our awareness towards the in-between – not just the in-between of the seasons of light and dark, but the crack of the in-between narratives and the yet invisible beyond where the light already shines through. What are the capacities of Soul Awakened Leaders that guide us courageously away from the certainty of the old into the unknown and who offer their lives as embodied permission slips for others to lead their lives from a place of interconnectedness and deep love in service for all of life? Join us for this practical inquiry of what it means to be a leader who doesn’t create followers, but other leaders moved by their activated soul-fire.
Links to the event, the contributors, and the schedule: