If you possibly can, work where there are no words for what you do.Kevin Kelly
Previous Event Recordings (Youtube Playlist)
Co-creating the Future of Society
These times call us to build local, resilient human scale cultures and structures in which we reinvent every aspect of society where we have given our power to authorities and institutions in exchange for comfort. These areas include and are certainly not limited to housing, business, education, spirituality, health, energy, food, mobility, sexuality, culture/entertainment and many more.
Many of us envision a regional or even global network of communities, living & learning centers and creative hubs where we connect with our global family and have our basic needs for food, shelter and belonging met wherever we go. Some choose to steward the land, others cross-pollinate and have a more nomadic lifestyle. Technological solutions can help to facilitate the transactional processes but what is needed even more is a level of consciousness that is capable of living into this vision.
Principles and Intention
- creating an embodied paradigm shift from an outdated to an updated operating system for a future that works for all, more specifically:
- move from a worldview of separation and competition to one of interconnectedness and cooperation with all beings
- creating an environment of trust, honesty and physical & psychological safety
- supporting each other and crafting an environment to live from our zone of genius most of the time
- prototyping a microcosmic society, based on how we would want the world to be
Consulting & Guidance on the “invisible structures”
The success of ambitious projects is based on an integral approach to all dimensions and dynamics. Besides the outer aspects (legal, finances, administrative, architecture, design, …), the inner aspects (culture, vision, principles, relationships, individual growth, values, …) are at least as influential, if not more. Everything we create arises from and mirrors our within.
It is ok to ask for help in interpersonal matters. In industrial production about 20% of the time is calculated for maintenance of machines. But for teams we expect them to run smoothly without support. I’ve worked for more than 15 years to support teams to create the circumstances for everyone to flourish and I’m happy to explore how we can work together.
For selected community and visionary projects with a transformative and evolutionary purpose I offer tailor-made consulting on the following aspects of building authentic community and relationships:
Building the cultural soil for authentic community
- creating psychological safety
- practicing honesty and clear communication
- embracing radical responsibility
- building trust through vulnerability
- exploring & mapping the invisible:
- identifying and aligning needs and desires
- individual & collective visioneering
- uncovering hidden dynamics and shadow elements
- leadership & organizational development
- structures & interpersonal processes
- roles and responsibilities
- agreements and practices
- learning from nature, aligning with natural patterns and divine creation
- your individual potentials, challenges, aspirations and blockages
Mycelium Community Grid
Natural ecosystems have an intricate web of root-like structures of fungi in the soil that communicate and transport nutrients to where they are needed. It can be seen as the internet of our forests, just a lot more advanced. It is based on a deep knowing of our interconnectedness and the resulting sharing of resources.
We are at a point where we need to step beyond our individualized projects and build an ecosystem of trust and mutual support beyond local hubs. We need to grow the interpersonal mycelium and recognize ourselves as one large emerging organism.
Only then can we overcome our personal fears, hesitations and agendas and can move into unconditional support and trust based on the knowing that more for you is also more for me and ultimately in my highest self-interest. True cocreation replaces finite game competition.
Many people in Costa Rica and beyond are investing themselves into a vision of living in community and nature. The intention of the Mycelium Community Grid is to offer a platform for community leaders to build the deep roots of trust to see beyond our individual projects and come into true cocreation.
Intention & Activities
- connecting leaders and visionaries to build an ecosystem of trust
- helping the ecosystem to see itself
- organize regional gatherings, immersions and community explorations
- sharing our visions, dreams and ideas for a regenerative development
- supporting each other in balancing our inner resources and embodying a new consciousness on a daily basis
- … and much more!
Please get in touch if you’re interested in co-creating the next steps, and we’ll connect with you to explore the possibilities!