Soul Awakened Leadership Podcast launched

Soul Awakened Leadership Podcast launched

May 9, 2024 #Perspectives 0

Earlier this year, I started this new podcast format and interviewed some inspirational people from my network:

Soul Awakened Leaders are courageous innovators and pioneers who embody a deep knowing of our interconnectedness and operate from a mindset of cocreation in service to all of life.

They surrender their lives completely to a higher organizing principle that is leading them beyond separation and competition and opens up the potential for an entirely new way of being on this planet in a time of metamorphosis.


In this podcast, I share cutting-edge perspectives and invite these leaders of leaders who don’t create followers but inspire others to step into their essence and divine nature.

The first few episodes are online, and you can watch them on YouTube or follow the show on Spotify, Amazon or Apple.

If you have any suggestions for Soul Awakened Leaders to join as interview guests or topics you’d like me to talk about, please send me a message!

Go to the Podcast Page 🎧