Alchemy of Polarity – Online Men’s Gathering – Vision 2023
This event has passed.
Join us for our next gathering:
24.01. – Wounded Healers – Walking our Talk in Service to Life
Vision 2023 – Creating A Life By Design
Date: 11.01.23, 12pm noon CT
Format: zoom (online)
Most people live their lives by default. They try to play and succeed at the rules their society has set up for them. Very few have the courage to live a life by design and actually become the game makers for others. They are the ones leading their generation into a vision of what is possible and beyond the ordinary.
This gathering is intended to equip you with the perspective and tools to create the new year from a place of abundance and service, so that you and people around you can actually thrive, instead of just survive.
Through this, we can actually raise the vibration of our communities and be an inspiration for others.
Join us by filling in the RSVP form above!