A Safe Space For Courageous Innovators
Leadership requires personal transformation | Transformation requires safe spaces
Cocoon is a community that cocreates a path towards a paradigm shift with you
Most people spend their lives using their strengths to overcome or cover up their weaknesses.
Those few who use their strengths to incorporate their weaknesses,
who don’t divide themselves, those people are very rare.
In any generation there are a few and they lead their generation.Moshé Feldenkrais
Cocoon is a vibrant, curated and intimate community of courageous innovators and pioneers:
People who actively engage in a process of a fundamental personal transformation that touches every area of their lives.
Requirement for participation is your commitment to move towards the shift actively rather than resisting it. Over the course of three months you’ll be guided in an intensive group coaching program.
The intention is to become an integral transformation catalyst in your respective field of activity (companies, education, politics, arts, NGOs, …). The protective Cocoon of the group provides safety to show yourself fully in your own vulnerability and strength. This then builds the resources within you to create the new in your context like never before.
A step towards deeper authenticity, connection with you and others, towards stronger alignment with your life and purpose.
Come on a journey with us to explore!
- Do you have a vision so big it scares you?
- Have you done plenty of self development and feel called to bring your gifts into the world even more powerfully now?
- Do you long for a safe space where you can be who you are without masks while at the same time be challenged to manifest your wildest dream and grow beyond your conditioning and blockages?
- Do you realize how worthy you are of not having to carry it all by yourself but get support by a powerful community on that journey?
- Do you already intuit that the key to create a wholesome impact is not doing more but actually less?
The Transformation Of The Butterfly
When the caterpillar feels the evolutionary pressure to transform, it builds a cocoon and retreats into this safe space. Almost the whole organism goes mushy while at the same time new cells form – so called imaginal cells. First, they are attacked by the immune system of the caterpillar. Only once they form clusters and connect with each other, they stand a chance to survive. These imaginal cells then enable the emergence of a new being – the butterfly.
From Dream To Manifestation
During the three months we will create a powerful community. You will receive unlimited support to identify and sharpen your vision and craft a strategy that aligns you with it every day. We will dive very deep to transform your mindset – the shadows, patterns and blockages that hold you back.
And we’ll focus on the skills and concrete steps that you need to make your dream a reality. Over time, you’ll notice an increase in energy, by doing more of what gives you and less of what drains you of energy. And we’ll make sure regularly to celebrate your steps on the path by appreciating and rewarding you for your courage.
Ready to embark on a journey to …
- uncover your light and open yourself and own your place in a new narrative by shifting your impact to a new level?
- connect with your child-like excitement and sense of wonder, play and magic?
- be challenged and supported by a community of powerful creators?
- discover how to dream bigger than ever before while grounding and manifesting your vision right here and now?
Cocoon is not for you, if you …
- choose to stay comfortably numb in your habits and old patterns that keep you in mediocrity and uninvolved with life.
- don’t have a healthy dose of anger built up as your rocket fuel to transform your life.
- are not ready to confront your fears and pain to transform them.
- prefer to hide in your room and to keep your personal challenges and darkness to yourself.
Curious? Let’s talk!
I look forward to getting to know you!
Jonathan Klodt
+49 30 69206937
Your Host and Coach
Hi, my name is Jonathan!
I am a leadership coach and have been working with groups and individuals for more than seven years now. I’m excited to co-create cocoon for the second time as your host together with other coaches.
“I fall in love professionally!”
In my work I see my clients with complete acceptance and unconditional love while focussing relentlessly on their highest potential. I support them to transform their darkest shadows into the greatest resources to realize their visions.